Peach Moonshine Mash

Peach Moonshine Mash

Mix up a batch of summer with our peach moonshine mash recipe! 

Nothing says summer like biting into a fresh peach. One of the great things about making your own moonshine is that you can take the delicious tastes of many of your favorite flavors and turn them into delicious spirits! 

Fermenting fruit into alcohol is not a new concept by any means. In fact, many archaeologists have debated when early man first began to enjoy fermented fruit.


One discovery suggests that a genetic mutation allowed humans to better handle ingesting ethanol and so early man was able to eat fruit that had fallen on the ground and started to ferment. While this wouldn’t have been the preference, it was now an option. 


Here is an example of a squirrel’s reaction after eating fermented pears. It begs the question if early man might have had a similar reaction. The consumption of ethanol leaves the squirrel more vulnerable to predators and with a potential to get sick. The same could be said for early man. 

However, today’s modern moonshiner knows the benefits of combining the sweet taste of peaches with the smooth kick of moonshine. It gives you the ability to bottle a taste of sunshine to enjoy all year long. 

The Benefits of Using Peaches for Moonshine 


peach moonshine


Peaches are a popular choice for making flavored cocktails, but actually making your moonshine with peaches make it even more authentic.


The best way to make this recipe is to visit a local farmer at the end of the season and ask for the overripe extras for a bargain. If you really want to kick it old school you can even offer to pay in moonshine! 

One of the benefits of using fruit as the base of your moonshine is that it gives it a sweet flavor that is bound to be appreciated. Not every person is ready to drink ‘white lightning’. However, when you add a sweet flavor profile this batch of moonshine is not only drinkable by many, it is also giftable! 

Another good consideration is that by using overripe fruit to make your moonshine, you are truly going back to the roots of moonshining. While early man consumed fermented fruit out of necessity, early farmers fermented when they had excess materials. Using overripe fruit to create your moonshine is truly kicking it old school. 

Peach Brandy Moonshine Mash

This sweet recipe makes enough moonshine to save, sip and give away! We will take you through all the steps to turn a  ½ bushel of peaches and some sugar into some sweet moonshine you can enjoy all year long. 

The Right Equipment for the Job

There are many different types of moonshiners out there. With this in mind, it is important to find the right equipment for the type of moonshiner you want to be. Do you want to do large recipes and distill large amounts to save, drink and gift? Or would you rather make smaller amounts for personal consumption only? 

If you want to make your shine on a smaller scale with a no muss no fuss approach, our Mist 1 Gallon Airstill may be the perfect option for you. The Mist 1 Gallon Airstill is the perfect option for those who want to make moonshine on a smaller scale. 

Not only does the Mist Airstill take up about the same space as your kitchen kettle, it is almost as easy to use. Simply connect your still and press a button. That is it. No more worrying about water-this still doesn’t even use any! Instead a built in fan is used to cool your moonshine and you get to relax during the process. 

The Mist Airstill is perfect for making moonshine on your boat, trailer or for those who live with restricted water or space. Just because the still is small doesn’t mean it isn’t mighty. The Mist 1 Gallon Airstill delivers a quality product in just two hours! 



whiskey moonshine still


If you do want to use your Mist Airstill for this (or any 5 gallon recipe) you have the option to make the full recipe and distill in batches, or simply half the recipe to make less mash. 

Equipment needed:


½ bushel of peaches (about 25 lbs) 

6 lbs  of cane sugar

2 packets of bread yeast

  1. Wash your peaches well to remove any natural yeasts or pesticides. 
  2. Using a sharp knife quarter your peaches and remove the pit. 
  3. Place the peach chunks in your food processor to break down further.
  4. Pour your peaches into your large pot
  5. Heat to 160°F to kill any bacteria or wild yeast. 
  6. Once your peach mash has hit 160°F, it is time to pour your mash into your fermentation bucket. 
  7. Add six lbs of sugar and stir well with a spoon until fully dissolved.
  8. Top up the mash with cold water until the fermenting bucket hits 5.5 gallons. 
  9. Stir well to incorporate all the ingredients in the mash. 
  10. Allow your mash to cool to 70°F. You can use an immersion chiller for this step or simply wait a few hours. Another option is to place the fermentation bucket in a sink full of ice water to cool your mash down quicker. 
  11. Once your mash reaches 70°F you can add your yeast and aerate the mash by pouring it from one 5 gallon bucket to the other. 
  12. Place on the airtight lid and airlock. Place your bucket in a temperate area for about 7-14 days. Look for no activity in your airlock for two days. 

Is your Mash Ready for Distillation? 


There are a few indicators that your mash is ready for distillation as well as a few tests you can perform. While there are guidelines for how long your mash should take to settle, there are also many factors that can affect your fermentation time. These include the type of yeast used in the recipe and the amount of sugar available for the yeast in your mash. 

One easy indicator is your airlock. Your airlock is used to keep bacteria out of your mash while allowing the carbon dioxide to escape. As the yeast works its magic to turn the sugar into alcohol it releases carbon dioxide. You will see this activity in the airlock as bubbles. When the bubble activity ceases for two days or more, you are usually ready to ferment. However, it is not the only way to check. 

Using a Hydrometer to Check for Fermentation

The only scientific way to check for fermentation is to use a Hydrometer. Hydrometers can be used to not only test if your mash is ready for fermentation, but to also determine the potential alcohol by volume (ABV) of your shine. 

For beginners, we would suggest to simply start using your hydrometer to determine if your mash is ready to ferment. This is quite a simple test, but can be intimidating to a newbie. Don’t worry, you will soon find yourself an old pro. 

Using a hydrometer is simple and it can tell you exactly what you need to know to get started with the distillation process. 

How to Use your Hydrometer

Hydrometers are not difficult to use or read. You are simply measuring the density of the liquid. Simply fill the hydrometer tube ¾ full and then add the little ‘bobber’. The bobber will act as a solid to measure the density of your mash. 

Make sure to add the bobber (this is not a scientific term!) gently and slowly roll the hydrometer in your hands to remove the bubbles. When the bobber falls you will have your reading. 

If your reading is 1.000 your mash is ready to distill. If the reading is 1.020 or above, you still need to ferment for a day or two. If your reading is above 1.020 but has not changed in the last three days, your fermentation is complete. 

Are you Ready to Distill?

Once fermentation is complete, you probably are ready to start distilling right? Actually no. It is time to clear your mash. This process is basically waiting for all the sediment to fall to the bottom of your fermentation bucket so you can siphon out the liquids. Make sure that you have fully strained your mash before the process. 

It is also important to release all of the carbon dioxide from the bucket so it doesn’t act as a barrier. You can vigorously stir up your mash to release the carbon dioxide or simply leave the lid off and let it bubble up on its own. This needs to be done before you clear your mash or it will impede that process. 

This process of clearing your mash takes about a week. You can move the process along with additives such as Bentonite, Sparkolloid, or Turbo-Clear. These usually speed the process up to about 24-48 hours. 

Ready to get Started? 

We have everything you need to start making quality spirits from the comforts of home. Check out all of our quality stills, equipment and recipes to keep you producing quality shine for many years to come!